Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) Introduces H.R.6382 – Stop Sexually Violent Predators Act

Source: 11/10/23

Poway – At a press conference in Poway, CA today, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) introduced The Stopping Sexually Violent Predators Act the most comprehensive legislation to date to reset the broken system that is currently forcing sexually violent predators (SVPs) into communities and near children and families.

“In California, Governor Newsom has made our communities less safe by essentially compelling communities to accept the relocation of dozens of these violent predators into our neighborhoods,” said Rep. Issa. “But this issue is not unique to California, which is why we need a federal solution to at least prevent the compulsory placement of SVPs and develop a solution. There is obviously a better way than the current broken system.”

SVPs are clinically diagnosed individuals convicted of sexually violent crimes. They are designated by doctors as incurable and are neither undergoing treatment nor in recovery. They are an obvious danger to any community, which is why these individuals should be confined within secure facilities, not in local neighborhoods.

Even though 70% of SVPs released into communities in California were returned to custody for violating their release terms, California’s state government continues to demand that these predators be forced into residential areas near families, children, and seniors. In fact, the number of SVPs in our community has continued to rapidly increase. 

The Stopping Sexually Violent Predators Act will:

  • End federal taxpayer funding for SVPs outside of correctional or secure medical facilities.
  • Require states to report all convicted SVPs to the federal Department of Justice for review of potential federal charges.

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Darrell Isis is a fool. What federal charges can they charge a registrant with? Breathing the air and taking up the space of a free world citizen.

Politicians like Darrell Issa are a reminder of why we need term limits in Congress!!!!!

So much ground to cover… let’s start with: “70% of SVPs released into communities in California were returned to custody for violating their release terms…”

So they make the terms impossible to comply with, let 7 out of 10 fail, then use this rigged result to justify this legislation? Oh course there is no mention as to why so many fail. They, quite intentionally, leave that to the imagination. I wonder what people are shamelessly being lead to believe is the reason? Can’t point to actual recidivism, so just suggest that it happens all the time. Truth can’t manipulate people into terror, so lie by omission.

My guess, impossible to find/maintain housing and/or employment? Can’t be a homeless SVP PFR Parolee… so, back they go? I am speculating here, anybody know if I’m right?

If they get this, they will push to expand this to all PFRs? Set this as the Federal Minimum Residency Restrictions for all States? A Federal Minimum that States will fall all over themselves to ensure they exceed? More speculation…

Not sure how many States do not have Residency Restrictions, and if any of them don’t have these by choice. CA doesn’t, but that wasn’t by choice… THANKS TO ACSOL!!! This will take that choice away?

Registry nuts like this Darrel are the very ones making everyone much less safe , a bill like this is a danger to all PFRs in the long run , The registry itself is a danger to many PFRs , all this needs to stop now . Wonder what Darrel is hiding besides the fact that he and others like him have no soul , big gov’t freaks have always been the danger to people , that is why the constitution was created , now it is just something for the gov’t/courts to use as way to fool people into thinking we live in a free state that most of us can’t even leave , no dang money among other factor’s created by state phonies/war mongers , and punishment control freaks .

  • Require states to report all convicted SVPs to the federal Department of Justice for review of potential federal charges.

Huh? So like, “Hey Feds, you guys have anything you can throw at this fellow?? Just askin’.” 🤷🏻‍♂️
Rather odd, isn’t it? 🤔

I liked Darrell Issa when he helped recall Governor “Low Beam,” Grey Davis and I always wondered why he suddenly bowed out of the race for governor. He was a shoe-in, but when Arnold entered the competition, Sobbing before the cameras, Issa quit with a weak sauce explanation that he could better serve his constituents in his current position. B***sh*t.
It seemed that someone made him an offer he couldn’t refuse; drop out or we release the tape of you and (fill in the blank).
I felt sorry for him at the time, but not any more and, instead, wonder what skeletons Dirty Darrell has in his closet?

Reports like this continue the absurb narrative that hordes of sexually violent predators are roaming free on our streets. Doesnt it make sense that if one was actualy a sexually Violent predator that they would be Incarcerated! How many actual sexually Violent predators are released? If one was a sexually Violent predator, I would hope that the state would understand that the mental capacity to make good choices was extremely low and therefore monitor this person correctly. It is absurb to use this bogus Tier system as a tool to keep society safe when most people who have commited a sex “offense” are NOT sexually violent predators. Who allows these people to make these ridiculous federal laws based upon fear and not rationale and data?

Last edited 1 year ago by KimberlyCA

“SVPs are clinically diagnosed individuals convicted of sexually violent crimes. They are designated by doctors as incurable and are neither undergoing treatment nor in recovery.”

Well, that’s a lie but then that’s not unexpected given that this is Darrell Issa. There are only two ways for a person labeled “SVP” to get out of a state hospital: he gets a court order or he is no longer “clinically diagnosed” as being a danger to others. For those who get a court order there’s not much the government can do.

What I find odd in Issa’s b***sh*t press release is this:

“Require states to report all convicted SVPs to the federal Department of Justice for review of potential federal charges.”

What is the federal Department of Justice going to do? What potential charges? It’s a virtual certainty that these men have been in prison and then in the state hospital for a long time. The statute of limitations for any possible federal crimes likely would have lapsed. But then what federal crimes could they have possibly committed? The only sex crimes that can be prosecuted federally are those that involve crossing a state line; using the Internet, the phone, or the postal service; or international travel and wouldn’t the US Attorney have already investigated any of those after this person was initially arrested?

Thus, this bill is just so much performative nonsense that will accomplish very little if it gets enacted into law.

Adding a federal charge after release feels very icky to me. And this will DEFINITELY move to all of us and eventually to all criminals if it is passed.

From the article:

“In California, Governor Newsom has made our communities less safe by essentially compelling communities to accept the relocation of dozens of these violent predators into our neighborhoods,” said Rep. Issa. “But this issue is not unique to California, which is why we need a federal solution to at least prevent the compulsory placement of SVPs and develop a solution. There is obviously a better way than the current broken system.”

Newsom isn’t compelling citizens to live anywhere, it’s the state of California that’s upholding the constitutionality. Otherwise, that’s called banishment and banishment is unconstitutional.

Also isn’t going after the same offense called double jeopardy? Is Issa trying to flex that he wants to push unconstitutional actions?

Sorry, which political party does Darryl Issa belong to, again?

This article conveniently showed up in my feed.

Geez, this guy is a sleaze bucket.

  1. The number of SVPs increases only because the system designated more as SVPs.
  2. Putting a person in a community environment has proven successful in curbing criminal behavior. Alienating and isolating only exasperates the bad behavior. Supervision is still required, but not continued incarceration. That should be reserved for the worst offenders, not just anyone randomly designated as SVP.

I met a 18yo kid who’s labeled a (SVP). He said one night he was drunk and high on drugs and jumped out of his girlfriend’s car, realizing he lost his phone and didn’t know exactly where he was he tried to snatch some random lady’s phone, they got in a scuffle and he ran off with the phone and called his friends for a ride.
The next day he said 20 cops raided his best friend’s house and took him into custody, he still had the phone in his pocket.
When he got down to the police station that’s when he was told he’s being charged with a sex crime, When I look him up they had him labeled as A (SVP).
Do I believe his story entirely No, Do I believe he’s a sexually violent predator No.
I believe this is just a glimpse into the future of life on the registry.

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO1

Like I said from a previous comment, watch out for the beginning-of-the-year shenanigans!

It just proves all this posturing and clamoring in January is just hyper vigilance theatre to activate the fears of the ignorant and exploit voter’s emotions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Facts should matter

Issa didn’t seek reelection in 2018, since he would have lost to Mike Levin in the 49th District and received negative constituent feedback for being a HUGE supportive of Donald Trump. A year later, he decided to switch districts and run in the 50th congressional district in San Diego County which is a more conservative area. He is one of the richest members of congress with a wealth of approximately 220 million. He has used the registry and more to further his political future.

One thing that should be made totally clear in this posting; this information was emailed by Issa to all of his San Diego constituents as a campaign tool to get reelected.

Darrell Issa needs an education from Janice that citizens on the registry aren’t monsters, however politicians and the public who want to cause more harm to citizens are the real monsters. Time for people in Issa’s district to kick him out of office.

Oh fun always wanted to live in Florida

Darrell incorrectly quoted saying that SVP’s in CA have not undergone any treatment or any rehabilitation programs, which is an outright lie. Everyone who has been released from custody has mandatory treatment. Those released from SVP have to undergo treatment l, counseling with certified treatment professionals of SVP’s that there is a list of qualifications that will make an SVP eligible to be released back into society but looks more like home confinement and slowly easing them back in fully.

Like another commenter stated, 70% returning due to a violation of their terms of release does not mean the person committed another sexual offense. Arriving home too late is vastly different than committing another crime.

we also know that this is an election year and Isa is trying to gain brownie points for “sticking it” to this group of people to help him win re-election.